If you haven’t already done so, first review ‘Portal – Enabling’.
Following your successful login to the Portal, you will be presented with the home page, similar to the following:
Selecting the company logo from any view will return you back to the home page.The notifications button will inform you of new activity on patient files, click to expand detail.
Clicking the notification detail will take you immediately to the relevant patient/employee file where notes and other available elements will be presented to you for selection accordingly.
For security and confidentiality, the availability of the detail on the patient/employee file within the Portal, is configured by the user from within the Clinic-Assist main application. For example, a Doctor may want the referring manager to have visibility of a care plan but not a test result. This is achieved through a simple tick box selection on the patient file from the Clinic-Assist main application.
For more information concerning the patient file on the Clinic-Assist main application, please see the article entitled 'Patient File - Activate/Deactivate Detail
Other tabs available on the patient record are ‘Details’ and ‘Appointments’. These are ‘read-only’ views of relevant details of the patient and appointment history. Only clinic users are permitted to make changes to patient records, not Portal users. If you want to update patient details, or request an appointment, select the ‘Request Change’ button following the selection of the patient. This will send a notification to the clinic admin team who will update the patient details or book appointments directly with the individual concerned.